Weekend Reading 10/24/21

Welcome back for another Weekend Edition here on Retro Ramblings. It’s a curated list where I share the retro-themed news, as well as retro and nostalgia-themed articles and posts I’ve come across in the last week. And through the month of October, I’m also sharing fun Halloween stuff I’ve found as well. So pour yourself a hot cup of coffee or tea, settle into a comfy seat, and read through some of the links I’m sharing below.

Retro Related News

Retro & Nostalgia Fun

Halloween Fun

Video of the Week

In Search Of… was a ’70s TV series hosted by Leonard Nimoy that focused on mysteries, the strange, the occult, and other related topics. Due to the nature of the show, it’s great for viewing around this time of year, so I thought I’d share an appropriate episode this week. In this one, Leonard Nimoy takes a look at The Mummy’s Curse. Give it a watch and see what you think.

Weekend Reading 10/17/21

Welcome back for another Weekend Edition here on Retro Ramblings. It’s where I share the retro-themed news, as well as retro and nostalgia-themed articles and posts I’ve come across in the last week. And through the month of October, I’m also sharing fun Halloween stuff I’ve found as well. So pour yourself a hot cup of coffee, settle into a comfy seat, and read through some of the links I’m sharing below.

In the News

Retro & Nostalgia Stories

Halloween Fun

Video of the Week

I tuned into the Retro-Daze Halloween Special Trivia contest the other night, and before the game got going we were presented with a Halloween safety film from 1985. It was such a glorious throwback that I decided to share it with you all as this week’s video. It’s only about 15 minutes long, but oh my gosh does it tickle the nostalgia bone. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Weekend Reading 10/10/21

Welcome back once again for the Weekend Edition! It’s where I share all of the fun retro-themed news and articles I’ve come across over the last week surfing the world wide web. And sometimes I throw in some old stuff I’ve bookmarked from long ago. And all this month I’m also throwing some fun Halloween-themed stuff your way too, so let’s get to it!

In the News

Retro-Themed Articles & Posts

Halloween Fun

Video of the Week

Here’s a fun little video for this week. It’s The Crypt Keeper counting down some of the “scariest” (aka worst) music videos of the ’80s and ’90s. It’s a neat look back at a very fun time in pop culture history.

Weekend Reading 10/03/21

Welcome back to the Weekend Edition. It’s where I share with you faithful readers retro-inspired news as well as retro and nostalgia-themed stories and posts from around the web that I’ve come across over the last week…and sometimes some old favorites that I’ve bookmarked through the years. And this week’s edition introduces an added section, Halloween & Horror Fun, that will continue throughout the month of October. Let’s take a memory lane road trip!

In theNews

Retro & Nostalgia

Halloween & Horror Fun

Video of the Week

Back in 1993, our favorite Mistress of the Dark, Elvira, decided to get into the world of network sitcoms. Unfortunately, it was not meant to be, but luckily for us the pilot still exists online. So this week’s video recommendation is that pilot for The Elvira Show. Enjoy!

Weekend Reading 9/26/21

Welcome back to the Weekend Edition. It’s where I share with you faithful readers retro-inspired news as well as retro and nostalgia-themed stories and posts from around the web that I’ve come across over the last week…and sometimes some old favorites that I’ve bookmarked through the years. Let’s take a trip down memory lane, shall we

In the News

More Nostalgia

Weekend Reading 9/19/21

  • You’ve probably gone a good portion of your life hearing about the ‘New Coke’ debacle in the mid-’80s and heard about how much of a flop, and an embarrassment, it was to Coca-Cola. But was it really? There are some who think that it was all a ploy to increase sales of original Coca-Cola. Read for yourself the story of how it all came about, and what resulted from all the uproar in 1985 in this piece from Damn Interesting, The American Gustation Crisis of 1985.

Video(s) of the Week

I’ve got not one, but two videos for you to enjoy this week. First up is a look at television in 1981. The 1981 fall season of television was a strange one due to the writer’s strike that was taking place in Hollywood. Networks had to put together whatever lineups they could since there were no new episodes of their popular shows of the time. Here’s a look at what the networks came up with in their place, and boy are there some real “gems” that hit the screen that season.

And for the seond video, in memory of the late, great Norm McDonald, it’s one of my favorite SNL bits of his, as he portrays Burt Reynolds, or should I say, Turd Ferguson, on Celebrity Jeopardy. RIP Norm.

Weekend Reading 09/05/21

Welcome to another Weekend Edition here on Retro Ramblings. It’s where I share with you fine folks all of the fun retro and nostalgia-themed news, stories, and posts I’ve found in my travels around the web over the week. Let’s hit it!

  • Unfortunately, we start this Weekend Edition off with some very sad news. America’s weatherman, Willard Scott sadly passed away at the age of 87 on Saturday. Scott was a fixture on NBC’s Today show from 1980 to 1996, and thus was a fixture of my mornings before school. While sitting at the breakfast table eating a big bowl of Morning Funnies cereal or a steaming hot bowl of Oatmeal Swrilers, I would watch Willard Scott giving out the weather or handing out birthday wishes to 100-year-olds on a 13-inch black and white television. He was also one of the best parts of the yearly Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, as he played sort of a color commentator for the event each year. He will be missed by fans nationwide.
  • Now that we’re into the month of September, the Halloween and Fall junk food game has really started ramping up. I’ve already found several cool things that I’ve highlighted in Junk Food Finds posts here on Retro Ramblings. You can check them out here and here to see what’s already hit store shelves. The one I’m most happy about is the new Monster Mash cereal, which will undoubtably be the biggest hitter of the season.
  • Also with the coming of September comes Dinosaur Dracula’s annual “Countdown to Halloween”. For those of you living under a rock, Matt dedicates September and October to the Halloween season on his blog and celebrates it with an awesome assortment of posts, videos, and podcasts that always hit all the right notes and entertains like nothing else on the web. His first entry to the series has already dropped, so head over there and watch his first video of the season, Mad Matt’s Latest Bag of Halloween Junk.
  • You know I love reminiscing about old foods that are no longer with us, and most of them you all enjoyed too. But there have been several items through the years that deserved their early demises. Now while I fondly remember several items on this list of Top 10 Bizarre Cancelled Food Products, some got what was coming to them.
  • Since you’re here reading this, you probably have a love of old toys. If that’s true, then you need to listen to last week’s episode of the TRN Time Machine Podcast with Jason and myself, because we go over more old toys we always wanted but never had. Give it a listen here and hear us talk about old toys like American Gladiator action figures, The Animal!, Battle Ball, Big Trak, and more.
  • I’d like to point you in the direction of a great follow on Twitter…@oldschool80s…or Old School TIm as we like to call him. Everyday he’s filling your timeline with great tidbits and anniversaries from the ’80s, and he writes fantasctic articles over at The Retro Network too! So besides giving him a follow on Twitter, also be sure to check out his archives over at TRN. I like to use space in The Weekend Edition to highlight great work by creative people, and Tim is one of the absoulte best.

In the News

More Nostalgia

Video of the Week

I had something else in mind for the Video of the Week, but in light of Willard Scott’s passing, I thought it would be appropriate to highlight his career a little. So this week’s video was taken from an episode of The Today Show from several years ago as a special tribute was paid to him and highlight clips were included. So enjoy this look back at the remarkable career of a remarkable man, Willard Scott.

Weekend Reading 08/29/21

It’s time once again to dive into the retro and nostalgia-themed news, articles, and blog posts I’ve come across over the past week while surfing the interwebs. Pour yourself a cup of coffee (or tea) and get ready for some fun.

In the News

Retro & Nostalgia Reads

I want to take a little space to tell you about The Act of Discovery newsletter brought to you by the fine folks of The Retroist. If you’re reading this Weekend Edition, then you obviously like reading about interesting things with a retro and nostalgic slant, so I know you’d like the newsletter as well. I’ve been a subscriber for a little while now, and it has quickly become one of my five favorites things on the internet every week. You can head over to The Retroist and sign up to receive it each week in your email. It’s always been a great read, and best of all, it’s free! Check it out.

And before I get out of here, I want to give you a heads up about some stuff coming to Retro Ramblings this week. On Monday, stop by and check out the cool junk food we’ve already found for the 2022 Halloween and fall seasons. And on Wednesday the Retro Streaming Guide for September will be dropping highlighting all of the retro shows and movies coming to your favorite streaming platforms. And finally, on Friday be sure to check out the Friday Five post where I’m looking at some old McDonald’s tray lines. They’re awesome, and so are you. Thanks for reading this week, and enjoy the video of the week below before you head out!

Video of the Week

With the college football season starting, and some recent news about some major conference realignments, I thought it would be a good time to present to you the history of re-alignments in the sport. This is a really fascinating look at one of the more important aspects of the world of college football, and very appropriate for this point in time.

Weekend Reading 08/22/21

It’s that time once again for me to share with you all of the fun retro-themed news, stories, and posts I’ve come across in my travels around the web over the last week!

In the News

Good Reads

If you enjoy The Weekend Edition here on Retro Ramblings, I highly suggest you check out WestWeekEver.com and read the weekly Pop Culture in Review post. It’s got even more pop culture news and William Bruce West’s writing always brings a smile to my face.

I also wanted to take just a little space to bring to your attention a podcast that just dropped from The Retro Network and Wizards: The Podcast Guide to Comics. This marks the 30th anniversary of Wizard magazine, so the Wizards podcast crew got together lots of the old Wizard staff for a round table discussion that was FANTASTIC for those of us who used to love that magazine or just ’90s comics in general. Be sure to go check it out and give it a listen if you were into that world back in the day!

Wizards | 30th Anniversary Reunion Round Table

Video of the Week

For this week’s video, I’m sharing one of those old Saturday morning cartoon previews shows that would usually air in primetime on Friday the night before the new season of cartoons started. I’m doing this to get everyone pumped up a little bit because in this week’s Friday Five post here on Retro Ramblings I’ll be highlighting five of my favorite ’80s cartoons. Look for that at the end of the week, but for now, enjoy this preview show for NBC’s Saturday morning lineup for 1987 starring ALF!

Weekend Reading 08/15/21

Welcome back for another dose of The Weekend Edition. This is where I share retro-themed news with you and all the fun nostalgic-themed articles and posts I’ve come across throughout the week.. Let’s get to it!

In the News

Fun Stories and Posts I Saw This Week

Video of the Week

Over on the Retro Ramblings Instagram, I posted a short review of the new Ghostbusters cereal that you can check out. While eating the cereal, a wave of Ghostbusters nostalgia came over me, so I headed to YouTube to watch some old toy commercials. I found more than enough to satisfy my craving, and thought I would share the with you this week. So enjoy over 30 minutes of old Ghostbusters toys commercials!

Weekend Reading 08/08/21

Welcome back for another Weekend Edition! This is where I share all the retro and nostalgia-themed links I’ve stumbled across while surfing the world wide web during the week. Settle in and check it all out!

Video(s) of the Week

I’ve got not one, but THREE videos that I want to share with you this week. The first one is a highlight/tribute video to “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton highlighting some of the things that made him so great. The second video features ZZ Top in their first live TV performance on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson from 1986, and then to wrap things up, it’s the new trailer for Cobra Kai season four. I’m pumped for that to drop! So enjoy the videos, and we’ll come back and do this again next week.