Weekend Reading 05/22/22

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to grab a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you this week.

If you know of a link you think I would enjoy and should check out, drop it in the comments below.

Weekend Reading 05/15/22

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to grab a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you this week.

If you know of a link you think I should check out to enjoy myself, or to include in the next Weekend Edition, drop it in the comments below!

Weekend Reading 05/08/22

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to grab a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you this week.

If you know of a link you think I should check out to enjoy myself, or to include in the next Weekend Edition, drop it in the comments below!

Weekend Reading 05/01/22

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to grab a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you this week.

If you know of a link you think I should check out to enjoy myself, or to include in the next Weekend Edition, drop it in the comments below!

Weekend Reading 04/24/22

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to grab a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you this week.

Weekend Reading 04/17/22

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to grab a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you this week.

Weekend Reading 04/10/22

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to grab a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you this week.

Since Easter is just one week away, I didn’t want to wait any longer before sharing the following link. Over at Rediscover the ’80s, my online best friend Jason posted an article a couple of years ago where he shared printable plans to make your own Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Easter eggs. I made them one year and they turned out really well, so I recommend you going to check out the article and make your own TMNT eggs this year.

Download These Free Printable Ninja Turtle Easter Egg Costumes

Weekend Reading 04/03/22

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to grab a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you this week.

I’m going to start this Weekend Edition off by highlighting my latest entry into The Junk Food Files over at The Retro Network. In The Short Life of New Coke, I briefly run down the story of the launch and quick demise of New Coke in the ’80s. Being as how you’re here at Retro Ramblings, I know it’s something you’d be interested in so go check it out.

And since we’re in the middle of Wrestlemania weekend, it would be rude of me to not highlight an older post of mine at TRN where I detail my Favorite Wrestlemania Memories. And while I’m on the subject, you can also check out my post, Saturday Night Suspense: The Night Hulk Hogan Fought Paul Orndorff in a Cage! at TRN as well. And further down in this column, you’ll find plenty more old Wrestling nostalgia to celebrate the Wrestlemania season.

Retro & Nostalgia Stuff

Wrestling Nostalgia

To close this Weekend Edition out, I leave you with highlights of the greatest Wrestlemania match of all-time featuring Randy “Macho Man” Savage vs. Rick “The Dragon” Steamboat from Wrestlemania 3 in 1987.

Weekend Reading 03/27/22

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to grab a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you this week.

Most folks who enjoy going back in time to revisit the things they enjoyed through the years sometimes get their nostalgia fix via podcasts. With that in mind, I wanted to share a podcast I only recently discovered called History of the ’90s. I’ve been binge listening since I came across it, and think you might enjoy it. It covers a wide variety of topics ranging from television nostalgia to recapping major news stories from the decade. Here is the synopsis of the show from the creators themselves:

On History of the ’90s we’ll travel back in time through the stories that defined a decade. The last 10 years of the 20th century was a time like no other, from Columbine to Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Seinfeld, Air Jordan, and the Spice Girls…if it happened in the ’90s you’ll hear about it on this podcast. Join Kathy Kenzora as we journey through the History of the ’90s every other Wednesday.

You can find the podcast on your podcast app of choice, or check it out on Spotify:

I also want to direct your attention to my latest entry into The Junk Food Files over at The Retro Network. In my latest edition, I take a look at The Crispy Crusted History of Totinos Pizza. You know you’ve eaten your fair share of Totino’s products in your lifetime, so do yourself a favor and brush up on the origins of the iconic brand.

More Retro & Nostalgia fun…

In case you missed them, here are the posts that dropped on here on Retro Ramblings this week…

And before I get out of here, I wanted to include a little video for you to watch. With Wrestlemania being just a week away, I’m feeling nostalgic for the big event in years past and found a nice video looking back at the marquee event through the years. Enjoy!

Weekend Reading 3/20/22

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to grab a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you this week.

Retro & Nostalgia Links

I’m sure you already know this, but I write quite a few features over at The Retro Network. Part of what I do there is posting The Junk Food Files post every week, and with St. Patrick’s Day this past week, I put together something appropriate for the occasion with a feature about the history of one of our favorite cereals of all time, Lucky Charms, and I think you’d probably enjoy it, so here is the link to go check it out:

The Magically Delicious History of Lucky Charms Cereal

My partner over at The Retro Network, Jason Gross, is also the creator of Rediscoverthe80s.com. And he hosts a podcast there as part of the content he produces. On recent episodes, he and Wyatt have been pulling topics at random to talk about, and this weeks episode was right up my alley:

The random topic chosen during the show is The Dukes of Hazzard! Jason and Wyatt jog their memories of watching the hit TV show as kids, what toys they had, and overall thoughts on the series that aired for 7 seasons. Superfan Wyatt as tells about obtaining autographs of the stars while visiting Cooter’s Last Stand and the hosts remember their trip to Covington, GA in search of filming locations for the show.

Give the episode a listen in the player below, and since you’ll more than likely like what you hear, be ready to click on the Subscribe button to get more fun episodes:

And in case you missed them, here are the posts that dropped here on Retro Ramblings this week…

Weekend Reading 01/30/22

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to grab a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you this week.

Retro & Nostalgia Fun

And check out my latest entry to the Junk Food Files at The Retro Network, A Brief History of Sizzler.

Weekend Reading 01/23/22

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to grab a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you this week.

Retro & Nostalgia Fun