Weekend Reading for 9/8/24

It’s been a long time since I dropped some links for you to enjoy on the weekend. I’ve continued to do them as part of the This Nostalgic Life newsletter every week, but I wanted to share some fun stuff with you faithful readers here at Retro Ramblings. Check them out and kick back and enjoy some fine nostalgia.

Weekend Reading 06/04/23

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro, geek, & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to escape the daily grind, and just sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you.

Weekend Reading 04/30/23

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro, geek, & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to escape the daily grind, and just sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you.

Weekend Reading 04/23/23

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro, geek, & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to escape the daily grind, and just sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you.

Weekend Reading 03/12/23

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro, geek, & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to escape the daily grind, and just sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you.

Weekend Reading 03/05/23

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro, geek, & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to escape the daily grind, and just sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you.

In the News

Retro & Nostalgia

Show & Tell Blog Challenge: Video Games

Every week we host the Show & Tell blog challenge, where other writers participate on their own site on the given topic. Check out the entries in this week’s event:

Video of the Week

I’ve been reminiscing about Wendy’s SuperBar more than usual this week, so I got on YouTube and started searching it out. That’s how I came across this great news report about the SuperBar being tested before it launched nationally. It’s short, but it’s filled with nostalgia. Give it a watch and see if you’re mouth starts watering as mine did.

Weekend Reading 02/26/23

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro, geek, & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to escape the daily grind, and just sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you.

In the News


Show & Tell

This week’s Show & Tell blog challenge was Board Games. Several talented folks participated, and you can visit their entries below. Check back tomorrow for this coming week’s topic and play along!

Weekend Reading 02/19/23

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro, geek, & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to escape the daily grind, and just sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you.

Weekend Reading 02/12/23

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro, geek, & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to escape the daily grind, and just sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you.

I don’t know if you heard the news or not, but I’ve partnered with Jeff from Yesteryear Retro to launch a new podcast on The Retro Network called the Gnarly ’90s Podcast. In every episode, we’ll be covering all aspects of the ’90s, both good and bad. Our first episode just debuted, and to support the launch, we’ve taken over the front page of The Retro Network with seven new ’90s-centric articles. Here they are for your enjoyment:

With Valentine’s Day just a couple of days away, it’s the perfect time to highlight some mixtape ideas. A handmade mixtape is about as great of a Valentine’s gift as you can give your significant other. Eric from The Retro Network has put together some mixtape theme ideas for us, and I want to highlight them here.

And now we’ll get to our regularly scheduled programming and share other great retro content from around the web.

That’s going to do it for this week, but before I go, I want to remind you to check out the awesome ’80s Weekly Newsletter produced by Jason at Rediscover the ’80s. It’s loaded with even more great links to great retro content for you to enjoy.

Weekend Reading for 2/5/23

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro, geek, & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to escape the daily grind, and just sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you.

Weekend Reading for 1/29/23

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro, geek, & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to escape the daily grind, and just sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you this week.

Weekend Reading 01/01/23

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to escape the daily grind, and just sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you this week.

In the News

It wasn’t that long ago that I wrote about some of my old-school favorites from Burger King. One of the things I mentioned was the American Chicken Sandwich that was part of their International Chicken Sandwich lineup in the ’80s.  It makes me very happy to be able to share the news that it is returning on January 5th.

Retro & Nostalgia Content