The Official Nintendo Player’s Guide From 1987

When a lot of kids got their first Nintendo Entertainment System, they probably got the version that came with the Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt combo. I wasn’t one of those kids. If you remember when I wrote about getting my Nintendo, I mentioned that while it didn’t come with any games, it did come with an awesome book that laid out details on so many of the popular Nintendo games of the day. Well, that book was the Official Nintendo Player’s Guide.

The Official Nintendo Player’s Guide was filled with maps, tips, and little tricks about so many games. Just some of the major ones covered in depth were Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out, Pro Wrestling, Ghosts and Goblins, Metroid, Castlevania, Rad Racer, and so many others. In addition, besides the in-depth reviews, there were shorter snippets about so many more games as well.

I spent so many hours back in the late ’80s pouring through this book and learning about so many games and discovering so many more I wanted to play. I’m actually thankful that I got the edition of the NES that came with this book, because as the years have rolled on, I find myself being as much, if nor more, nostalgic for it than a lot of games.

With that said, I’m presenting the Official Nintendo Player’s Guide from 1987 in this special Time Capsule feature here on Retro Ramblings for you to enjoy as well. You can zoom in, zoom out, and roam through the book as much as you want to with the flipbook below. I hope you find it as enjoyable as I always have.

1 Comment

  1. Nice!

    I remember seeing this (along with the Zelda: Tips & Tactics book; no How to Win at Super Mario Bros., though) at a Toys R Us when my parents and I went out of town one time, and never again until adulthood.

    Fortunately for me, at the height of my adult Nintendo Mania, I was able to get all three, and enjoy having them thoroughly. In the case of this book, I love the positive story behind Punch-Out!! It’s a shame they cut Doc Louis’s alcohol usage in later years and revamps and such, though, since I feel that kinda makes the story more powerful and positive.

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