Big Trak
Toy Stories

Big Trak

November of 1979 was the moment the future finally arrived in the American living room. When the holidays arrived a month later, many American children (mostly boys) were treated to the toy of their dreams, lovingly realized in injection mold …….continure reading

Toy Stories


If you took any pride at all in your toy chest—and we hope you did—it surely contained a View-Master. When the action figure war simulation wound down and you needed a short intermission before you began construction on a fort …….continure reading

Shrinky Dinks
Toy Stories

Shrinky Dinks

Gather ye ‘round, gather ye ‘round! Shoulder yourself in amongst the crowd that’s growing around the oven and take a gander through that glass…magic baked goods are transforming before your very eyes! We’re not talking about Toll House cookies or …….continure reading

Cap Guns
Toy Stories

Cap Guns

In a pinch, kids can turn just about anything into a gun—a stick, a banana, a finger—but it always helped if the thing actually made an exploding noise. That was the magic of the cap gun, that ubiquitous play weapon …….continure reading

Electric Football
Toy Stories

Electric Football

Ever since enterprising toymakers hit on the gimmick of combining electricity and sports, many a fan has whiled his rainy-day hours away over miniaturized electric versions of his favorite outdoor games. Few U.S. sports are as popular as American football, …….continure reading

Toy Stories


It’s a nice feeling to finish an Etch-A-Sketch picture you’re semi-proud of. “It actually looks like a tree this time!” you tell yourself. But then that brainy cousin of yours shows you the portrait he’s Etch-A-Sketched and your pride wilts. It’s a …….continure reading