Wax Pack Flashback: Skeleton Warriors Cards (1995)

Last year, I did a series of Wax Pack Flashback videos for The Retro Network that focused on “spooky” or Halloween-themed cards. I’m re-rolling these episodes here on Retro Ramblings for the rest of the month, and this week I’m highlighting the Skeleton Warriors cards from 1995. Watch me open this pack and see what treasures have laid hidden inside for almost 30 years!

Wax Pack Flashback: Tales From the Crypt Cards (1993)

Last year, I did a series of Wax Pack Flashback videos for The Retro Network that focused on “spooky” or Halloween-themed cards. I’m re-rolling these episodes here on Retro Ramblings for the rest of the month, and I’m starting with this pack of Tales From the Crypt cards from 1993. Watch me open this pack and see what treasures have laid hidden inside for almost 30 years!

Wax Pack Flashback: Yo! MTV Raps Cards (1991)

With MTV celebrating its 4oth anniversary this week, the timing is right to highlight this video I did last year where I opened an old pack of Yo! MTV Raps cards from 1991. This pack was loaded with icons of the era and is one of the best packs of cards I’ve opened in the entire series. Give it a watch and enjoy.

Wax Pack Flashback: WWF Wrestlemania 3 Cards (1987)

This is Wrestlemania week, and I’ve been feeling awfully nostalgic for old pro wrestling. Because of that, you got the post earlier this week on the old pro wrestling action figure lines. So to keep the ball rolling, here is an older episode of Wax Pack Flashback that I do for The Retro Network on TRNTV. Give it a watch and check out how awesome these cards were.

It’s always fun to open an old pack of cards, but these were even better than normal because they featured so many of my heroes growing up. Every card in the pack brought back it’s own old memories. I need to find more of these packs and see what other treasures I can find lurking inside.

If you enjoyed seeing this old pack of cards get opened, check out some of the other packs I’ve opened…

Wax Pack Flashback: Dick Tracy Cards (1990)

Here’s another rerun episode of the Wax Pack Flashback show I do for The Retro Network YouTube Channel. It’s where I open old packs of trading cards and let you watch along and relive the excitement of thumbing through the pack.

In this episode, I opened a pack of Dick Tracy cards from 1990. These cards were based on the blockbuster movie of that year and are made up of scenes from the movie. It was full of colorful, over-the-top characters, so it translated really well to a series of trading cards. You can watch the episode below, and if it tickles your fancy, you can check out the Wax Pack Flashback playlist on the TRN YouTube channel. There are over 50 episodes there currently, with more new episodes coming soon. Enjoy!