Weekend Reading 01/16/22

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to grab a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you this week.

In the News

Retro & Nostalgia Fun

Weekend Reading 01/09/22

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to grab a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, and sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are six things I wanted to share with you this week.

Weekend Reading 01/02/22

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to grab a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, and sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are a few things I wanted to share with you this week.

Recommended Reading

I’d also like to take a minute and tell you about a new project coming from our friend Tony Grate. Tony founded Retro-Daze several years ago, and is the producer behind the awesome RD’s Retro Detention series on YouTube. He has been working on a new, and very exciting project called Tommy and the Order of Cosmic Champions. At the website, there is a trailer you can watch for the novel coming this fall, and you can also get an early look at the action figure line that is coming to support the launch of the book. I’d like to urge you to stop by and check out all of the exciting things happening around this coming release. I’m also embedding the trailer for the whole project below for you to check out.

Weekend Reading 12/26/21

Welcome back once again to The Weekend Edition. It’s where I share with you my curated list of retro and nostalgia-themed stories and articles I’ve run across in my travels around the world wide web in the last week.

Here are five things I wanted to share with you this week…

Weekend Reading 12/12/21

Welcome back once again to The Weekend Edition. It’s where I share with you my curated list of retro and nostalgia-themed stories and articles I’ve run across in my travels around the world wide web in the last week. So grab yourself a hot cup of coffee (or tea), get comfortable, and enjoy the reads.

Before we deep dive into this week’s links, I’ve got a special one for you. If you’re looking for some little something for that retro lover in your life, or if you just want to introduce someone younger to something you enjoyed when you were younger, check out The Retro Network Stocking Stuffer Shopping Guide for 2021! It’s filled with all sorts of things that will take someone back to what we refer to as “the good old days”.


Retro & Nostalgia

Christmas Fun

Weekend Reading 12/5/21

Welcome back once again to The Weekend Edition. It’s where I share with you my curated list of retro and nostalgia-themed stories and articles I’ve run across in my travels around the world wide web in the last week. So grab yourself a hot cup of coffee (or tea), get comfortable, and enjoy the reads.

Before we deep dive into this week’s links, I’ve got a special one for you. If you’re looking for some little something for that retro lover in your life, or if you just want to introduce someone younger to something you enjoyed when you were younger, check out The Retro Network Stocking Stuffer Shopping Guide for 2021! It’s filled with all sorts of things that will take someone back to what we refer to as “the good old days”.

In the News

Recommended Reading

Recommended Listening

Weekend Reading 11/28/21

Welcome back once again to The Weekend Edition. It’s where I share with you my curated list of retro and nostalgia-themed stories and articles I’ve run across in my travels around the world wide web in the last week. So grab yourself a hot cup of coffee (or tea), get comfortable, and enjoy the reads.

  • In what I consider to be very big news, there is a rumor going around that Taco Bell will be bringing back the Mexican Pizza back to it’s menu in the very new future! I’ve been in a state of depression ever since they took it away from me last year.
  • Speaking of Taco Bell, The Retroist takes a look at another fondly remembered menu item, The Bell Beefer.
  • The Toy Box takes a look at the Cartoons of 1984 in a really fun post that really kept me enthralled throughout. There’s some deep cuts in this one like the little remembered Wolf Rock TV!
  • When Black Friday rolled around, it got me nostalgic for some of the craziness invovled in some of the hot toys in the past. So here is an article I came across in the Houston Chronicle looking back at the Tickle Me Elmo craze of 1996.

Video of the Week

Now that we’re past Thanksgiving it’s time to start highlighting some Christmas videos each week. And first, I want to share with you a movie…It’s called The Homecoming, and it was the movie that originally introduced The Waltons and inspired the hit TV series. It’s one of my favorite movies to watch during the Christmas season, and maybe you’ll enjoy it too.

Some Reading For the Holiday Break

I usually reserve this kind of stuff for The Weekend Edition, but if you’re like me, you may have a little extra time on your hands over the next couple of days. Hell, one of my favorite things over the last couple of years has been to spend the day before Thanksgiving lazily getting a head start on the cooking, and drinking coffee while catching up on reading some of my favorite retro bloggers and the like. It’s sort of become a tradition now. So with that in mind, here are some more links for you to enjoy while prepping for the main event.

I hope you find time to visit a few of these links. I’m sure they’ll brighten your day a little bit.

Weekend Reading 11/21/21

Here is this week’s curated collection of nostalgia-themed news, articles, and posts for you to enjoy. They’re all Thanksgiving related this week, so I hope you’re not already burned out on the holiday before it even gets here. But either way, I hope you have a safe and enjoyable holiday this week.

Why Do the Lions and Cowboys Always Play on Thanksgiving? (Mental Floss)

Recreating Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving Feast (Dinosaur Dracula)

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: 47 Differences Between the Film and the Script (The Retro Network)

Black Friday Origins: The Transformers and Gobots Craze of 1984 (Rediscover the ’80s)

8 Forgotten Animated Thanksgiving Specials of the 1980’s (MeTV)

5 Awesome Things on eBay This Week (Plaid Stallions)

If you like this type of curated list of links, you should also check out William Bruce West’s Pop Culture in Review column over at his site West Week Ever each week. It’s a good look at the week in pop culture with plenty of retro-themed topics thrown in. Give this week’s column a look for some commentary on Ecto Cooler, Blockbuster, Sesame Street, and more.

Video of the Week

When a lot of people think of Thanksgiving, they think of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. I’ve been out of watching the current parade for a lot of years now, but I still like going back and watching the olds ones. With that in mind, let’s go 30 years back in time and relive the 1991 parade. Enjoy!


Weekend Reading 11/14/21

Welcome back in for another Weekend Edition here on Retro Ramblings. It’s where I share with you loyal visitors my curated list of retro and nostalgia-themed articles and posts I’ve come across over the last week. I share these things with you for your enjoyment, and hope you find things you like. Let’s hit it!

In the News

Retro & Nostalgia Fun

Thanksgiving Nostalgia

Video of the Week

Since Thanksgiving is just a couple of weeks away, and with it the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, I thought it was a good time to relive that time when He-Man battled Skeletor and his minions on an Eternia-themed float.

Weekend Reading 11/07/21

Welcome back for another Weekend Edition. It’s where I run down all of the retro-themed news that’s fit to print, and share the fun nostalgic-themed articles and posts I’ve come across over the last week. Let’s get to it!

In the News

Retro & Nostalgia Fun

Check out Retro Rumble on The Time Machine Podcast

You may know me as the co-host of The Time Machine Podcast over at The Retro Network, but if you haven’t listened in a while, I’d like to recommend that you give our latest episodes a listen. Jason and I have started a new gimmick on the show called Retro Rumble where we take a matchup like Coke vs. Pepsi and debate it. The fun part is that we’ve solicited matchups from our listeners, and we’ve popped them into a randomizer and we talk about whatever comes up. The new concept has been really popular, so I think you’d enjoy it too. You can listen to the latest episode below.

I also want to point you to a little something I put together for Cord Cutters Club last week where I run down my picks for what to watch across your favorite streaming platforms in November. Take a minute and go check it out here.

Video of the Week

I know it’s still just the beginning of November, but I’m already in the Thanksgiving mind set. With that being said, this week’s video is one we’ve probably all seen numerous times, but it’s still fun. It’s Garfield’s Thanksgiving, and it’s still just as good as it was when it first hit the air.

Weekend Reading 10/31/21

Welcome back to The Weekend Edition here on Retro Ramblings. It’s where I present to you a curated list of the best retro pop culture and nostalgia-themed news and articles I’ve come across on the web in the last week. So get yourself a snack, settle, in and enjoy these trips down memory lane.

In the News

Retro & Nostlagia Articles and Posts

Halloween Fun

Halloween Posts Here on Retro Ramblings You May Have Missed This Month

Video of the Week

For this week’s video, I’m sharing a complete “horror” movie from the ’80s since today is Halloween. I put horror in parentheses because it has some comedic elements to it, but it’s still a spooky fun watch. It’s House II from 1987, and it’s a great way to spend 90 minutes tonight.