Days of Thunder On The Rewatchables Podcast

Days of Thunder

I’ve got a “recommended listening” suggestion for you today, as the latest episode of The Rewatchables podcast features one of my favorite ’90s movies, Days of Thunder.

Days of Thunder was the 1990 NASCAR-themed blockbuster starring Tom Cruise and Robert Duvall, with Tom Crusie playing Cole Trickle as a newcomer to the world of NASCAR. I was all about this movie back in 1990 when it came out, but I didn’t get to see it until Dad rented it on VHS when it was released. I was instantly hooked, and still give it a watch every year before the Daytona 500.

The gang over at The Rewatchables, Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan, and special guest Kyle Brandt, do a fantastic job breaking down the movie in their usual fashion featuring numerous categories meant to entertain the listening audience. But at the same time, I always learn new stuff about my favorite films with their episodes.

But anyway, go give this episode a listen, and if you like what you hear, there’s almost 400 more episodes in their catalog so I’m sure you’ll find some of your favorite movies there to enjoy. And once upon a time I wrote a piece here about the Summer of Thunder at Hardees that you should check out if you are a fan of Days of Thunder like I am. It’ll probably bring back some more memories.

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