As I stroll through the internet every day, I’m constantly coming across images that remind me of things, and I download a lot of those images to revisit later on. Every image I download reminds me of something specific. Not all of them are things I write about, so I thought I would do an image dump post and share a lot of the images that are loaded with summer nostalgia with me. If any of the images spark any memories or nostalgia within you, hit me up in the comments and we’ll discuss. Let’s get to it!
In this TIme Capsule, we’re going to 1985 and the early days of cable. Back when HBO was the channel we all wanted, but not all of us had. CHeck out the full guide to HBO programming from August 1985, …….continure reading
You know how there are just certain days from your past that you remember more than others? Well October 28th, 1989 is one of those days for me. It was a Saturday, which meant cartoons in the morning, but it …….continure reading
It doesn’t get much better as far as Thanksgiving cartoons go than Garfield’s Thanksgiving. It debuted in 1989 and has been a staple pretty much ever since. I know it is in my house at least. It’s a classic tale …….continure reading
1 Comment
You weren’t kidding when you said image dump! Great list. If nothing here strikes a chord with any 70/80/90’s kid then they weren’t a kid. I was in a Christmas shop yesterday and saw the old school ICEE cup ornament and thought about pulling the trigger but $26 was too much to pay.
You weren’t kidding when you said image dump! Great list. If nothing here strikes a chord with any 70/80/90’s kid then they weren’t a kid. I was in a Christmas shop yesterday and saw the old school ICEE cup ornament and thought about pulling the trigger but $26 was too much to pay.