As I stroll through the internet every day, I’m constantly coming across images that remind me of things, and I download a lot of those images to revisit later on. Every image I download reminds me of something specific. Not all of them are things I write about, so I thought I would do an image dump post and share a lot of the images that are loaded with summer nostalgia with me. If any of the images spark any memories or nostalgia within you, hit me up in the comments and we’ll discuss. Let’s get to it!
Freezer pops always hit the spot on hot summer days.
Icee’s and Slush Puppies were always a welcome treat when going to the local convenience store.
Berenstain Bears Go To Camp was one of my favorite books as a kid, and was a summer staple for me.
On rainy summer days, my brother and I would kick back and read old comic books on the carport.
At the end of the day, the sound of the ice cream tr
South Holston Lake where I spent a lot of my summers.
I traveled a lot in the summer and stayed in a lot of the Holiday Inn Holidomes
Riding bikes was a daily thing in our world.
Catching fireflies was a nightly activity.
As a teenager, my brother and I would spend summer days lounging around watching PPV movies on our cable descrambler.
Micro Machine’s Tuff Trax monster trucks were a big part of my summer play for several years.
My cousin Tim and I killed many summer days playing the Hog Tied board game.
Is The Sandlot the ultimate summer nostalgia movie?
Little barrels of colored sugar water really hit the spot.
Collecting and trading baseball cards was the highlight of my summer for several years, especially 1992 Topps Baseball.
Remember how cool it was to lay on the couch and watch MTV from the beach house?
The summer of 1999 was pretty awesome as I was all-in on all things Phantom Menace that year.
Austin Powers and Felicity Shagwell also helped make my summer of 1999 really cool.
Before it was Dollywood, Silver Dollar City was the most anticipated trip of my young summers.
Ogle’s Water Park was also a vacation highlight for several years.
Summer cook-outs were always appreciated.
Pete and Pete was essential viewing in the summer back in the ’90s.
For one summer in the late ’80s, I believe I lived on these tiny cookies.
The Knightfall storyline that ran through the Batman titles was my focus in the summer of ’93.
The Great American Bash tour of 1987 introduced the wrestling world to War Games.
Rhonda Shear and USA’s Up All Night were late-night treasures of my summers.
Summer Job was one of the B-movie classics that you could find on Up All Night every summer.
The summer of 1988 was all about Willow for me.
Dirt track racing on summer Saturday nights.
The August night race at Bristol has been a tradition here since around the time I was born.
Dale Ernhardt showing Terry LaBonte how he got the name “Intimidator” in 1999.
Saved by the Bell’s summer at Malibu Sands.
Drive-in’s on summer nights make it all taste better.
Lex Luger standing up for America.
One of the most infamous days in the history of professional wrestling.
WCW Monday Nitro live from Disney World during the summer of 1996. Still feels right.
The never-ending ad campaign of Dan vs. Dave in the summer of 1992.
POGs were quite the competitive game at the lake in the early ’90s.
The summer of 1995 gave us Batman FOrever, but even better than that, it gave us the McDonald’s Super Hero burger.
No better way to beat the heat on a hot summer day.
The carnival came to town every summer, and it was always gone too quick.
It changed the water gun game forever.
The chase for 62.
No better way to end a long summer day than by falling asleep to Nick at Nite.
Any kind of safety video is usually greeted with yawns, but hang on before you cast that kind of judgment on this video. This one has several things going for it. First, it concerns Halloween, second, it’s from the ’80s, …….continure reading
Enjoy this complete scan of a Transformers action figures catalog from 1986. When you’re done drooling, check out the rest of the scans in the complete scans archive!
Back in the day, I loved building toys. LEGO was certainly a favorite of mine, but there was another building toy that I probably got a lot more play out of…Construx. In 1983, Fisher-Price rolled out its newest toy creation. …….continure reading
1 Comment
You weren’t kidding when you said image dump! Great list. If nothing here strikes a chord with any 70/80/90’s kid then they weren’t a kid. I was in a Christmas shop yesterday and saw the old school ICEE cup ornament and thought about pulling the trigger but $26 was too much to pay.
You weren’t kidding when you said image dump! Great list. If nothing here strikes a chord with any 70/80/90’s kid then they weren’t a kid. I was in a Christmas shop yesterday and saw the old school ICEE cup ornament and thought about pulling the trigger but $26 was too much to pay.