Time Capsule: 1988 Great American Bash Program

In this Time Capsule, I’m looking at something very near and dear to my heart, as it’s the official program from the NWA’s Great American Bash tour in 1988.

For wrestling fans back then, the Great American Bash event was the highlight of the summer. The tours in 1986 and 1987 set the wrestling world on fire those summers, and while 1988 was a little less enticing than those first two years, it still featured several hot feuds. Not to mention the PPV event that year would feature the Tower of Doom match.

The PPV event would not feature the touted scaffold matches, but since this program covers the tour as a whole, that anticipated matchup is featured, as well as the War Games matches that also were not going to be on the PPV.

This program is a great look back into the goings-on in the NWA that summer, and I hope you enjoy flipping through it as much as I did.

The flip book below is super easy to use. The controls are in the control panel below the book, and you can use them to go forward or backward. I suggest using the expand button to blow it up to full screen for maximum enjoyment.

Captain America: The Movie (1990)

I’m hard-pressed to think of anything more patriotic than the iconic Marvel Comics character, Captain America. These days, the Chris Evans incarnation in the MCU is all the rage, but once upon a time, there was another movie version of the red, white, and blue hero.

The film was originally intended for theatrical release in August 1990 to coincide with the character’s 50th anniversary, but due to numerous delays, it ended up being released two years later in the summer of 1992 as a direct-to-video offering. It also started airing on cable television in the summer of 1992, which is where I first saw it on HBO. Being the comic book fan that I was at the time, I recorded my own version on home video.

This version of Captain America has largely been forgotten, if ever known about in the first place, but it’s still packed full of campy fun that you might enjoy. So here it is in all of its original 1990s glory for this Independence Day.

Weekend Reading 07/02/23

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro, geek, & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to escape the daily grind, and just sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you.

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