Enjoy this complete scan of the 1988 Kenner Action Guide featuring their best toys of the year like The Real Ghostbusters, Bone Age, Silverhawks, Starting Line Up, and MASK!

Be sure to check out all of the other full scans in our archives for more toy catalog greatness!
I wanted that Proton Pack so bad when I was a kid. Only Real GB toy I wound up having was the original Ray, though.
Sky Commanders! I think Toy Galaxy just did a video on them.
I had no Silverhawks, but I had a friend who did, and they were pretty awesome.
I had a few MASK toys, but none of the ones shown here.
I’ve seen some of the Fossilizers from the new Transformers: War for Cybertron – Kingdom line be compared to Bone Age.
Cool stuff all around.
I think the only toys I had featured in this guide were Egon and Winston. I didn’t even have any bad guys for them to chase. It was kind of a waste of my allowance now that I think back on it.