Here’s this week’s collection of nostalgia-themed articles and stories from around the web for you to relax with this weekend.
- Looking for something new/old to watch on television? Well, check out the 12 fan-favorite series that are getting the reboot treatment this year.
- The World Video Game Hall of Fame has four new inductees including a personal favorite of mine, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego. See all four of this year’s inductees.
- Disney+ will be the home of a new mash-up as The Muppets will be visiting The Haunted Mansion in an upcoming special.
- The Goonies was one of my favorite movies as a kid, so naturally, I wanted to play The Goonies II game for Nintendo. It may have been a bust, but here are a few more ’80s movies that got sequels via video games.
- I’m sure at some point in your life you’ve enjoyed a “super-size” meal from McDonald’s. But did you know that you have Jurassic Park to thank for that?
- I’ve always been an Old Spice man myself, but maybe you remember these popular perfumes from the ’90s.
- In these modern times of music streaming, you really don’t have a need to pirate music. But back in the day, a lot of us engaged in the hobby. Here’s 11 facts about the granddaddy of them all, Napster.
- If you’re not an old-school wrestling fan you won’t recognize the name, but the world lost Mid-Atlantic great Don Kernodle last week. RIP to the “Pride of America”.
- Speaking of wrestling, did you know that one of the largest pro wrestling shows in history took place in 1995 in communist North Korea featuring a lot of your favorite wrestling stars?
- You know that I’m a Pizza Hut fiend from way back, but if you’ve ever wondered about some of the reasons why, give this Pizza Hut podcast a listen from the Retroist. It sums a lot of it up.
- Pizza Hut wasn’t the only great pizza place in the ’80s, as Dominos had its share of fans too. But you had to avoid The Noid to enjoy it. Our friend Tim took a great look back at some of the classic Noid commercials.
- For those of you who have lamented the lack of any new Care Bears lately, news recently broke about a new Care Bear named Togetherness Bear.
- And last but not least, something that gets me really excited. Carrying around an Igloo cooler in the summertime is for me like carrying around a cellphone is for most other folks. Igloo debuted a new retro mini cooler! Now I can finally replace mine that I’ve been carrying around for about 25 years.
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