1990 WWF Merchandise Catalog
Enjoy this complete scan of the 1990 WWF merchandise catalog, and when you’re done drooling over it, go check out our full scans archive for more old catalogs.
Enjoy this complete scan of the 1990 WWF merchandise catalog, and when you’re done drooling over it, go check out our full scans archive for more old catalogs.
I certainly dabbled in more than my fair share of toy lines as a kid, but one of the lesser ones turned out to be one of my favorites. Let’s remember M.U.S.C.L.E. in this edition of Retro Ramblings. M.U.S.C.L.E. Men …….continure reading
Growing up in the mid-late ’80s, one of my greatest joys would come when I would go to the grocery store with my Mom and be able to pick up a new wrestling magazine. It never mattered to me which …….continure reading
We all have some TV shows that we were very fond of that didn’t last more than a season. Well, in this edition of Retro Ramblings, I want to talk about a show that never made it past the pilot …….continure reading
This is Wrestlemania week, and I’ve been feeling awfully nostalgic for old pro wrestling. Because of that, you got the post earlier this week on the old pro wrestling action figure lines. So to keep the ball rolling, here is …….continure reading
Even though I don’t keep up with modern wrestling, I always know the date of Wrestlemania. And as it gets close every year, I get really nostalgic for old pro wrestling and everything that goes along with it. And not …….continure reading
Here are scans of the M.U.S.C.L.E. toys lineup as featured in the 1986 Mattel Toy Catalog. Intended for retailers, Mattel’s dealer catalogs showcased all the latest and greatest releases, along with existing products within its various current (at the time) toy lines. …….continure reading
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