This Nostalgic Life Newsletter Issue #6

The latest issue of This Nostalgic Life newsletter is now out and available to view. If you don’t subscribe, you can still view the newsletter by clicking on the image below.

In this latest issue, I tell the tale of the non-traditional summer vacation we took for several years in the ’80s. We would go on a “wagon train” and travel around our local area in a caravan of wagons and camp out every night for almost two weeks.

Also in this issue, my co-collaborator Eric debuts a new ongoing weekly feature where he looks back at the music charts of 1983 and 1990. He reviews the current week’s timeframe but in those years. It’s a fascinating look and listen at the music that made us.

And as always, we’ve included a batch of recommended reading links pointing the way to some of the best and most fun nostalgia and retro-related content from around the web.

If you’ve not signed up for the newsletter yet, I urge you to consider it. We publish the latest issue every Wednesday and it’s delivered straight to your email inbox so you never have to go searching for it. It’s absolutely free, it’s ad-free, there’s no spam, and you can always cancel at anytime. Every issue features a main feature, the weekly recommended reading links, the new ongoing We Got the Beat section, and a smaller feature that rotates between Do You Remember, Nostalgia Nuggets, and other mini-features. Just click on the image below to be taken to this week’s issue where you can subscribe if you’d like.

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