Sunday Reading 7/21/24
In lieu of a normal post today, I thought I would do a recap of sorts of several things from the past week. We’ll start with a couple of things that I’ve put out in places other than here at …….continure reading
In lieu of a normal post today, I thought I would do a recap of sorts of several things from the past week. We’ll start with a couple of things that I’ve put out in places other than here at …….continure reading
While browsing the Max streaming app some time ago, I came across what looked like a gem of a movie called Flashpoint. While I didn’t remember ever hearing of it before, the fact that it was from the ’80s and …….continure reading
For this second entry into the Action Figure Appreciation files, I’ve chosen to highlight a figure from the G.I. Joe: A Real American hero line. G.I. Joe always was, and probably always will be my favorite action figure line. Hell, …….continure reading
Of all the things Wendy’s tried through the years, the Superbar was the idea that I liked the most, and is very possibly the fast food item/gimmick that I miss more than all the others. When it first debuted at …….continure reading
Back in the summer of 1996, I was working full-time at the grocery store that I would go on to work at for a decade. I had just graduated high school and was fortunate to be in the position of …….continure reading
I was always a fan of the Marvel Comics series What If?, where they would take classic stories, give them a twist, and give us readers a look at what might have been. I’m doing the same thing here with …….continure reading
The latest issue of This Nostalgic Life newsletter is now out and available to view. If you don’t subscribe, you can still view the newsletter by clicking on the image below. In this latest issue, I tell the tale of …….continure reading
I’ll be the first to admit that when it came to toys, I had what would be considered an awesome childhood. We weren’t rich by any means, but I usually got most of the toys that I wanted. That being …….continure reading
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