Playmobil toys were some of my absolute favorites when I was a kid and I could sit and look at advertisements like this for hours on end. I hope you enjoy seeing this as much as I enjoy being able to present it to you.

Playmobil toys were some of my absolute favorites when I was a kid and I could sit and look at advertisements like this for hours on end. I hope you enjoy seeing this as much as I enjoy being able to present it to you.
The other day, I was reading through the great book, Wrestling at the Chase: The Inside Story of Sam Muchnick and the Legends of Professional Wrestling, and I realized something. I realized I miss the gold old days of pro wrestling. …….continure reading
In another Christmas-themed edition of Retro Ramblings, I want to talk about a product that has always screamed “Christmas” to me. It’s something my mom was very fond of, so I’ve gained an appreciation for it as I’ve gotten older …….continure reading
When Konami unleashed the first Castlevania cartridge on the Nintendo world in 1987, I was still too wrapped up in Super Mario Bros., ExciteBike, and Pro Wrestling to pay much attention. Even though the original game was much loved and …….continure reading
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