Enjoy this full scan of the 1983 Care Bears catalog. When you’re done browsing these pages, go over to our full scan archives to check out plenty more old toy catalogs!

Enjoy this full scan of the 1983 Care Bears catalog. When you’re done browsing these pages, go over to our full scan archives to check out plenty more old toy catalogs!
You know me and food. We have a love/hate relationship. I love it when it’s around, but I hate it when it’s gone. Just like Nerds cereal. Loved it from the moment I saw it…and have hated the loss of …….continure reading
Anytime I’m down or feeling blue, nothing picks me up quite like watching the wrestlers of the WWF from the 1985-ish era singing “Land of 1000 Dances”. Not just for the silliness of the song, but also for the exagerrated …….continure reading
Most folks, if they got their hands on a time-travel device, would probably end up using it to bet on sporting events, sign the Beatles, take vengeance on childhood bullies, kill Hitler, or maybe stop Abraham Lincoln from getting shot. But …….continure reading
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