I’ve been reminiscing a lot lately about all the cool old cars I used to have growing up. So much so that just a few weeks ago I detailed Five of My Favorite Hot Wheels Toys. But my love for toy cars spanned multiple brands, and right behind Hot Wheels came Matchbox. I probably had as many Matchbox cars as I did Hot Wheels.
When I came across this old Matchbox catalog recently, I knew right away that I needed to share it with all of you, so we could all remember together. I’m not going to hold you up from browsing through its pages any longer and let you get to the good stuff. But when you’re done with this, you might enjoy checking out the feature I did for The Retro Network, Five Fun Facts About Hotwheels.

Oh, nice! I think I had a few of these as a kid, though they might have been reissued here. By this point, I think I was more into He-Man and Transformers.