Cop Rock
TV Time

Cop Rock

When people who aren’t television fans are asked why they don’t watch, they usually answer with something like, “It’s just the same old stuff,” or “No one has tried anything new on television in years.” It’s safe to say that …….continure reading

Kung Fu
TV Time

Kung Fu

“Snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper.” Kung Fu was an ‘Eastern western,’ an unlikely but effective blend of the Western genre and Eastern mysticism. However, it didn’t rely on its genre-bending to pull in viewers: it had style to burn …….continure reading

Amazing Stories
TV Time

Amazing Stories

In the tradition of The Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Amazing Stories was a weekly anthology series that poked at the strange and fantastical part of life—that sneaky little part-fact/part-fiction creature that tramps through campfire stories and fairy tales, which happened to be the …….continure reading

Count Duckula
Saturday Mornings

Count Duckula

Count Duckula was a centuries-old vampire who also happened to be a duck. While trying to revive him, the Count’s assistant Igor accidentally injected him with ketchup instead of blood. This mishap resulted in the canard’s refusal to eat meat …….continure reading