Sunday Reading 9/8/24
It’s been a long time since I dropped some links for you to enjoy on the weekend. I’ve continued to do them as part of the This Nostalgic Life newsletter every week, but I wanted to share some fun stuff …….continure reading
It’s been a long time since I dropped some links for you to enjoy on the weekend. I’ve continued to do them as part of the This Nostalgic Life newsletter every week, but I wanted to share some fun stuff …….continure reading
I miss the “glory days” of Pizza Hut. That magical time in the ’80s and early 90’s when it was a destination, and not just somewhere to eat. I’ve found recently that those days of yore are long gone, and …….continure reading
The Punisher is a movie that I first watched way back in 1989 at my cousin’s house while visiting on a road trip one summer. Later, I recorded it off HBO or some other pay TV channel and probably watched …….continure reading
“Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day.” As I’m sitting here writing this, it’s a lazy Sunday afternoon, and it’s raining. It’s not a hard rain, but it’s not a light rain either. I would call it a rain …….continure reading
As I stroll through the internet every day, I’m constantly coming across images that remind me of things, and I download a lot of those images to revisit later on. Every image I download reminds me of something specific. Not …….continure reading
“Lightning does not strike twice in this universe.”– Kevin Sullivan While taking a break at work yesterday morning, I was thumbing through X and started seeing a headline crawl across my screen…”Kevin Sullivan Has Died”. I kept thumbing through and …….continure reading
The other morning while looking for a quick breakfast on my way out the door for work, I saw a box of Little Debbie snack cakes on the table and decided that would make for a fine and nutritious breakfast. …….continure reading
In lieu of a normal post today, I thought I would do a recap of sorts of several things from the past week. We’ll start with a couple of things that I’ve put out in places other than here at …….continure reading
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