Re-watching Rush Hour (1998)
Back in 1998 or 1999, Rush Hour was the third DVD my brother purchased. At the time, he had just moved out and had bought a DVD player for his home. I would go over on a weekly basis and …….continure reading
Back in 1998 or 1999, Rush Hour was the third DVD my brother purchased. At the time, he had just moved out and had bought a DVD player for his home. I would go over on a weekly basis and …….continure reading
News came out last week that singing and songwriting legend Kris Kristopherson had passed away. A lot of folks from the last couple of generations may not recognize the name right off, but they have certainly heard the songs he’s …….continure reading
“Randy! Bill! You did it!” When it comes to pro wrestling, I’ve always been a fan of the little guy. Not in size necessarily, but in stature. You know the ones I’m talking about…the ones who everyone else’s favorite was …….continure reading
For people who are my age, Nintendo was probably a pretty big part of their childhood. I’m sure we had all spent our fair share of time in arcades pumping quarters into machines, and probably even took a few turns …….continure reading
We find ourselves making it to another Sunday, and that means it’s time for more Weekend Reading links. Grab yourself a hot mug of coffee, settle in, and immerse yourself in the nostalgia.
It’s been all over the news recently that Taco Bell is about to roll out a nostalgia menu for a limited time, where they will be bringing back menu favorites…one “favorite” from each decade. The list includes: While this is …….continure reading
Last week’s list of weekend reading links got such a good reaction, it proved that I should go back to doing them more often. So with that, here is another batch of links to retro and nostalgia-related content that I …….continure reading
It’s been a long time since I dropped some links for you to enjoy on the weekend. I’ve continued to do them as part of the This Nostalgic Life newsletter every week, but I wanted to share some fun stuff …….continure reading
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