Dino Pebbles Cereal

Recently I talked about some old junk foods that I had missed out on. Well, here’s another one…

Post cereals have made some real winners in their time, and possibly at the top of that list is Fruity Pebbles.  And maybe right behind that is Cocoa Pebbles.  The combination of those little sweetened flakes of rice and the pitchmen duo of Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble is a nearly unbeatable combination. 

Fruity Pebbles has been a staple of my complete morning breakfast as far back as I can remember.  Except when I would stay the night at my grandmother’s house.  Oh, she had Fruity Pebbles in the house, but those were just for Stevie.  The rest of us kids couldn’t eat those.  We had to eat oatmeal those mornings while watching Stevie enjoy a big bowl of that multi-colored goodness.  To which sometimes he would pour Mountain Dew over instead of the traditional milk.  That kid was something else.

But anyway, these Dino Pebbles came out in 1990 and turned the breakfast game on its head.  Now there have been variations on the classic Fruity Pebbles theme in the past like when they change the colors to all red and green at Christmas.  But this was a huge departure from the norm.  The flakes were all one color and with a vanilla flavor instead of the multitude of fruit flavors.  Then, they went and added multi-colored marshmallows to it!  Think about that for just a second.  They added marshmallows to Pebbles cereal.  That’s a nearly unbeatable combination. 

Unfortunately, these Dino Pebbles didn’t stand the test of time.  However, the box art is still strikingly gorgeous and makes my mouth water just looking at it.  Man, I wish someone would hurry up and invent time travel so we could go back and have all these cool cereals again.  I know one of you out there reading this is smart.  Get started on that asap, please. 


  1. I remember Dino Pebbles fondly… a good #3 behind Fruity and Cocoa.

    But I always wondered what it would be like if either of those got in on that marshmallow action…

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