Weekend Reading 3/20/22

Every weekend, I like to share a curated list of retro & nostalgia-themed articles, stories, and posts that I’ve come across in the last week. It gives you a chance to grab a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, sit back and pass the time reading about the good old days. So with that in mind, here are some things I wanted to share with you this week.

Retro & Nostalgia Links

I’m sure you already know this, but I write quite a few features over at The Retro Network. Part of what I do there is posting The Junk Food Files post every week, and with St. Patrick’s Day this past week, I put together something appropriate for the occasion with a feature about the history of one of our favorite cereals of all time, Lucky Charms, and I think you’d probably enjoy it, so here is the link to go check it out:

The Magically Delicious History of Lucky Charms Cereal

My partner over at The Retro Network, Jason Gross, is also the creator of Rediscoverthe80s.com. And he hosts a podcast there as part of the content he produces. On recent episodes, he and Wyatt have been pulling topics at random to talk about, and this weeks episode was right up my alley:

The random topic chosen during the show is The Dukes of Hazzard! Jason and Wyatt jog their memories of watching the hit TV show as kids, what toys they had, and overall thoughts on the series that aired for 7 seasons. Superfan Wyatt as tells about obtaining autographs of the stars while visiting Cooter’s Last Stand and the hosts remember their trip to Covington, GA in search of filming locations for the show.

Give the episode a listen in the player below, and since you’ll more than likely like what you hear, be ready to click on the Subscribe button to get more fun episodes:

And in case you missed them, here are the posts that dropped here on Retro Ramblings this week…

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