Soup Beans
While laying out a bag of beans this afternoon so I don’t forget to soak them tonight, it dawned on me that I’ve never written about soup beans before. First, let me clarify what beans are used to make “soup …….continure reading
While laying out a bag of beans this afternoon so I don’t forget to soak them tonight, it dawned on me that I’ve never written about soup beans before. First, let me clarify what beans are used to make “soup …….continure reading
When I was a kid, the days at school seemed to drag by as slowly as a snail crossing a highway. I believe time slowed down during the hours of a school day. While I can’t prove it, I feel …….continure reading
After a long cold winter would keep me inside instead of outside playing with friends, the first glimpses of warm weather in the spring would bring new hope for days of running around outside. But March could be fickle, and …….continure reading
On these cold February evenings when it’s too chilly to sit outside on the porch, I think back to the same kinds of evenings in the late ’80s and early ’90s. Those cold evenings when the warmth of the house …….continure reading
When a lot of kids got their first Nintendo Entertainment System, they probably got the version that came with the Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt combo. I wasn’t one of those kids. If you remember when I wrote about …….continure reading
When I was growing up, Mom had breakfast on the table every morning. As sure as the sun rises in the east, you could count on my mom to have breakfast on the table. I could always count on something …….continure reading
Every December as Christmas approaches, my primetime viewing calendar fills up with Christmas movies, shows, and specials. It’s one of my favorite parts of the season and is possibly one of the main drivers of my Christmas spirit. I love …….continure reading
The photo you see above is the classic Norman Rockwell painting known as “Freedom From Want”. He created this masterpiece in November of 1942, and it graced the cover of the Saturday Evening Post in 1943. It depicts what has …….continure reading
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