Weekend Reading 9/19/21

  • You’ve probably gone a good portion of your life hearing about the ‘New Coke’ debacle in the mid-’80s and heard about how much of a flop, and an embarrassment, it was to Coca-Cola. But was it really? There are some who think that it was all a ploy to increase sales of original Coca-Cola. Read for yourself the story of how it all came about, and what resulted from all the uproar in 1985 in this piece from Damn Interesting, The American Gustation Crisis of 1985.

Video(s) of the Week

I’ve got not one, but two videos for you to enjoy this week. First up is a look at television in 1981. The 1981 fall season of television was a strange one due to the writer’s strike that was taking place in Hollywood. Networks had to put together whatever lineups they could since there were no new episodes of their popular shows of the time. Here’s a look at what the networks came up with in their place, and boy are there some real “gems” that hit the screen that season.

And for the seond video, in memory of the late, great Norm McDonald, it’s one of my favorite SNL bits of his, as he portrays Burt Reynolds, or should I say, Turd Ferguson, on Celebrity Jeopardy. RIP Norm.

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