Time Capsule: 1988 Toys R Us Sale Paper
Check out this full scan of a Toys R Us flyer from 1988. It’s full of Nintendo, G.I. Joe, RC Cars, Bikes, board games, MASK, Atari, Sega, and more!
Check out this full scan of a Toys R Us flyer from 1988. It’s full of Nintendo, G.I. Joe, RC Cars, Bikes, board games, MASK, Atari, Sega, and more!
On this week’s episode of The Retro Network Podcast, Jason and I scoured through an old Toys ‘R’ Us sale paper from 1988. Even at just sixteen pages, the thing was loaded with all kinds of cool toys from the …….continure reading
Dr. Pepper gum was one of the first to feature a liquid center, and that awesome flavor burst onto the scene in the mid-80s. …….continure reading
Morning Funnies Cereal was produced by Ralston Cereals in 1988 & 1989. It was a super sweet cereal, bright in color and shaped like smiley faces. The taste and shape weren’t the hooks for this cereal though…..the box was. I …….continure reading
I’ve got a very fun Time Capsule
Star Wars was definitely the pop-culture phenomenon of the 70’s. Once it caught on with the public, every entertainment-based company in the world either wanted to be part of the Star Wars marketing juggernaut or, better yet, create a Star Wars of its own. The easiest way …….continure reading
When the Star Wars wave hit in the late 1970s, science fiction rode that crest back to the major media in a major way. Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century took most of the TV sci-fi glory, but one of the more unique …….continure reading
Most folks, if they got their hands on a time-travel device, would probably end up using it to bet on sporting events, sign the Beatles, take vengeance on childhood bullies, kill Hitler, or maybe stop Abraham Lincoln from getting shot. But …….continure reading
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