1983 Care Bears Catalog
Enjoy this full scan of the 1983 Care Bears catalog. When you’re done browsing these pages, go over to our full scan archives to check out plenty more old toy catalogs!
Enjoy this full scan of the 1983 Care Bears catalog. When you’re done browsing these pages, go over to our full scan archives to check out plenty more old toy catalogs!
I certainly dabbled in more than my fair share of toy lines as a kid, but one of the lesser ones turned out to be one of my favorites. Let’s remember M.U.S.C.L.E. in this edition of Retro Ramblings. M.U.S.C.L.E. Men …….continure reading
Enjoy this complete scan of the 1988 Kenner Action Guide featuring their best toys of the year like The Real Ghostbusters, Bone Age, Silverhawks, Starting Line Up, and MASK!
Here I am featuring some old junk food in another edition of Retro Ramblings. I just can’t help it. Old junk food really tickles my nostalgia bone. And today’s topic is one of my all-time favorites from the past. A …….continure reading
Growing up in the mid-late ’80s, one of my greatest joys would come when I would go to the grocery store with my Mom and be able to pick up a new wrestling magazine. It never mattered to me which …….continure reading
ExciteBike was one of the Nintendo console’s most beloved games, and a favorite of mine too. I killed many hours with this bad boy, and for good reason….it was full of great features! Racing on a motorcycle! Design your own …….continure reading
In this edition of Retro Rambling, I want to take you back to a small slice of nostalgia for me, and that’s back when I used to drink out of those cups that used to come in oatmeal. Maybe you …….continure reading
You know me and food. We have a love/hate relationship. I love it when it’s around, but I hate it when it’s gone. Just like Nerds cereal. Loved it from the moment I saw it…and have hated the loss of …….continure reading
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